
Zutaten (1 Portionen)

2 chicory (100 gr)

1 apple

Blueberries (to decorate)

For the sauce:
125 natural yogurt
2 white asparagus
A pinch of sugar and salt
Olive oil to taste
A few drops of lemon

Nährwerte (pro Portion)

Kalorien201 kcal
Fett11 g
Salz250 mg
Kohlenhydrate11 g
Eiweiß15 g
Phosphor481 mg
Kalium23 mg
Flüssigkeitsgehalt251 ml


Cut chicory into quarters, wash and drain (reserve).

For the sauce:
− Peel and cut the asparagus into pieces.
− Pour yogurt, asparagus, a pinch of sugar and salt, plus 2 tablespoons of olive oil into a blender glass or bowl.
− Blend everything until being a homogeneous mixture obtained and pass the sauce through a strainer or chinois, add a few drops of lemon and mix.

Peel the apple and cut into pieces.

Mix the sauce with the apple.

Fill the chicory with the mixture

Serve the stuffed chicory decorating them with blueberries.