
Zutaten (4 Portionen)

  • 200 g oyster mushrooms
  • 100 g onions
  • 50 g tomatoes
  • 30 g green capsicums
  • 10 ml oil
  • a little paprika spice
  • Summer savory
  • pinch of Nature Vegamix spice without salt
  • a little verbena

Nährwerte (pro Portion)

Kalorien49 kcal
Fett3 g
Salz5 mg
Kohlenhydrate4 g
Eiweiß3 g
Phosphor51 mg
Kalium214 mg
Flüssigkeitsgehalt85 ml


Soften the peeled and finely chopped onions in hot oil. Remove from the heat and mix in the paprika spice, then put back on the heat and add the peeled, washed oyster mushrooms cut into strips and the uniformly sliced tomatoes and green capsicums. Season with summer savory, plain Vega mix and verbena. If its own juice does not seem sufficient, then pour in a little water to steam the mushrooms.