
Ham with honey glaze

CNK-Stufe: Cholesterin
Herkunft: Germany

Zutaten (8 Portionen)

  • 1.5-2 kg pork roast with rind (uncured)
  • 5 g cloves 
  • 250 g honey 
  • 50 g brown sugar 
  • 100 g butter

Nährwerte (pro Portion)

Kalorien426 kcal
Fett19 g
Salz119 mg
Kohlenhydrate27 g
Eiweiß33 g
Phosphor271 mg
Kalium492 mg
Flüssigkeitsgehalt122 ml


Pre-heat the oven (175°C/circulating air 150°C).
Wash the meat and dab dry. Make diamond-shaped cuts into the rind and lard with cloves.
Place the piece of roast meat onto an oven tray (not on the oven grid).
Slowly heat honey, sugar and butter in a pan until the butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved. Baste the roast meat with the glaze and bake in the oven for approximately 1.5 hours (the exact baking time depends on the oven and how thick the roast is).
Keep the remaining glaze warm at a low temperature and baste the roast meat with it every 15 minutes. Turn on the grill for the last 5 minutes in order that the crust caramelises and becomes crispy. Take the roast meat out of the oven and put aside for approximately 15 minutes before carving. 
Serve the crispy layered thyme potatoes as side dish.


Cured meat has a high salt content and that is why we are assuming cured meat when calculating the nutritional values. But don’t worry, the crust will still be wonderfully crispy.